Our Services

IT Security
IT Cloud Architecture
NIST 800-171 Architecture
CIS Assessments
PCI Advisory
SOC Programs
VA / Pen Testing Programs
MSSP Program Design / Vendor Selection
Cybersecurity is all about Priorities and Risk. Whether you're designing a new network, working your PoAM, or looking to outsource your cybersecurity to an MSSP, you need to establish baselines that inform your Risk Register to ensure you stay focused on what matters most to the Enterprise and its stakeholders.

Operations Process Design
Technical Writing
EOS (Traction) Consulting
Startup Operations
PMO Operations
IT Service Delivery
High Trust Employee Programs
IT Operations
Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast; as the Navy SEALS like to say. The key to solid Operations is simple: People & Process. Thoughtfully define the right seats with a combination of hard & soft skills and use modern assessment tools to evaluate for trust and soft skills to find the right people for them. Develop & train those people on concrete processes you built and operated in yourself and you'll support a consistent, and repeatable approach to success that is embraced as a culture.

IT Team Design
Candidate Evaluations
Team Coaching
Personnel Management
Leadership Coaching
vCTO / vCISO Fractional Consulting
IT Leadership
Leadership is that intangible that always ensures the whole is more than the sum of it's parts. You need TRUST, DISCIPLINE, and EMPATHY within your delivery teams to keep talent engaged & committed, and to create an environment of mutual accountability, built on decentralized command and a culture of continuous process improvement.